CAC Men seeks to grow strong, biblically based men by developing their understanding of and dedication to biblical principles and practices.

Biblically Authentic Manhood

CAC Men consists of four pillars upon which we seek to build biblically authentic manhood: discipleship, prayer, service, and fellowship. We are dedicated to demonstrating Christian servant leadership in our homes, our church, our work places, and our nation. We consider this to be a high and noble calling, one for which we will ultimately be held accountable by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Men Sharpening Men

A number of men’s groups meet at various times and places throughout the week for a variety of purposes: Bible study, prayer, accountability, and/or encouragement in family life. In addition to participating in a study or prayer group, there are opportunities for those gifted in teaching or facilitating discussion in small groups.

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Men in Service

CAC Men also assists the widows and single moms of our church with routine home maintenance and handyman-type tasks, such as yard work or small painting jobs. The group also helps any church family in circumstances where outside help is needed. Extensive carpentry or trade skills and experience is not required!

Fellowship and Outreach Events

In addition to building each other up and serving our church, we also have fun. Breakfasts, retreats and outings are planned for special occasions.


Here are some helpful resources that you can use to help you grow in the gospel in your everyday life.