CAC Women
Our goal is to promote discipleship and family through large and small events that are focused on fellowship and drawing closer to Christ.

Alliance Women

Would you like to make a difference in the lives of our international workers? We are women who are committed to promoting worldwide missions and to supporting our own international workers. In addition to praying for them, we encourage them with cards and gifts as well as collecting donations that are made available to visiting international workers. We also occassionally join with other area chuches for fellowship and to hear from a special missions speaker.

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CAC Mom's Fellowship

The moms of Cary Alliance have started a group to promote friendship, fellowship and fun. Meetings are every other Friday from 9:30-11:30 beginning September 15. For more information contact Kristel Van Gheem.

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Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events for CAC Women.

Ladies Living Forward

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Precept Bible Study

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Here are some helpful resources that you can use to help you refocus on the gospel at home.