Ephesians 1: Living the Right Story

Sermon Audio
In this sermon, Pastor Cameron explores the importance of participating in the right story, the true story of God's salvation of the world. ​ He emphasizes that our identity in Christ and knowing who we are is crucial for fully living out our purpose. ​ Drawing from Ephesians chapter one, he explains that the mystery of God's will is to unite all things in heaven and on Earth under Christ. ​ He clarifies that heaven is not just a faraway place, but the spiritual realm where God dwells and is present with His creation. ​ The Earth, on the other hand, refers to the physical world and everything in it. ​ Pastor Cameron warns against participating in false stories, such as the story of self-centeredness, false saviors, and consumerism. ​ He encourages faithful participation in the true story of God's kingdom, which shapes our worship, the gospel message we preach, and the work we do in the Lord. ​ Ultimately, he reminds us that our small, ordinary acts of faith, hope, and love have eternal significance in the Kingdom of God.

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